Bellum AlexandrinumCynthia Damon, et al.Society for Classical StudiesTEI XML encoding:Samuel J. HuskeyProgramming for automatic generation of TEI XML:Virgina K. FelknerCoauthor of content related to section 2.5:Dallas SimonsCoauthor of content related to sections 12.1–2 and 13.5:Tom VozarCoauthor of content related to section 26.1–2:Marcie PersynCoauthor of content related to sections 35.3 and 36.4–5:Maria KovalchukCoauthor of content related to sections 47.2, 49.1, and 49.2–3:Tim WarnockCoauthor of content related to section 60.2:Isabella ReinhardtCoauthor of content related to sections 63.5 and 66.3–4:Brian CredoCoauthor of content related to sections 67.1 and 68.1:Amelia Bensch-SchausCoauthor of content related to sections 72.2–3 and 74.4:Wes HansonFirst EditionThe Digital Latin Library650 Parrington OvalCarnegie Building 101NormanOK73071USAThe University of OklahomaNorman, OK2022Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-SA 4.0)Library of Digital Latin TextsEdited bySamuel J. Huskey1Born digital.List of People Cited by NameAtkinsAtkins Adrienne AtkinsMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).Bensch-SchausBensch-Schaus Amelia
Bensch-SchausMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).BrutusBrutus BrutusSee JungermannJungermann.CallaghanCallaghan Greg CallaghanMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).CiacconiusCiacconius Petrus CiacconiusSee JungermannJungermann and Dauisius 1706Dauisius 1706.CredoCredo Brian CredoMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).CuiaciusCuiacius CuiaciusSee NipperdeyNipperdey.DamonDamon Cynthia DamonEditor of this edition and instructor of Latin 540 (University of
Pennsylvania) in 2015 and 2017.FaernusFaernus Faerno, GabrielloSee KlotzKlotz.GertzGertz M. C. GertzSee KlotzKlotz.GlandorpiusGlandorpius Glandorp, JohannSee JungermannJungermann.GruterusGruterus Janus GruterusSee OudendorpOudendorp.HansonHanson Wes HansonMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).HauptHaupt Moriz HauptSee NipperdeyNipperdey.JuriniusJurinius JuriniusSee T. BentleyT. Bentley.KeilKeil Heinrich KeilSee KlotzKlotz.KhanKhan Scheherazade KhanMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).KovalchukKovalchuk Maria KovalchukMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).LewisLewis Amy LewisMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).NaqviNaqvi Theodora NaqviMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).PersynPersyn Marcie PersynMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).ReinhardtReinhardt Isabella ReinhardtMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).RhellicanusRhellicanus RhellicanusSee JungermannJungermannRossetusRossetus Joannes RossetusSee Gaertner-HausburgGaertner-Hausburg.SiesbyeSiesbye Oskar SiesbyeSee LarsenLarsen.D. SimonsD. Simons Dallas SimonsMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).J. SimonsJ. Simons Julia SimonsMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).VozarVozar Tom VozarMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2015).WarnockWarnock Tim WarnockMember of the Latin 540 class (spring 2017).WölfflinWölfflin Eduard WölfflinSee KlotzKlotz.